Creators facing Climate Emergency: Ariane Michel & Sabrina Speich

For the 4th season of “Créateurs Urgence Climat” (October 2023 – May 2024), the Foundation invites the artist Ariane Michel, who works in Finistère facing the Ocean, worked aboard the Tara and addressed the tides; and the physical oceanographer Sabrina Speich whose research focuses on the nonlinear dynamics of the oceans and their impact on biogeochemistry, the marine biome and ecosystems, and the atmosphere. They meet around these common waters to shift our gaze and suggests that, in fact, “the ocean is the key to the future of humanity faced with rapid climate change”.

Created in 2020 by the Fondation Thalie, this series of conversations between artists, designers and scientists committed to a post-carbon society aims to pass on new thinking and knowledge to inspire a whole new generation of creators, to invent imaginaries of transition, and to design and implement new ways of producing in the light of depleting natural resources. The great ecological challenge of our time.

The full series of conversations is now available as an audio podcast!


Wednesday January 31, 2024, 6.30pm, École des Arts Décoratifs Paris

Guests: Ariane Michel, video artist and Sabrina Speich, oceanographer and Professor of Geosciences and a member of the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD) at the École Normale Supérieure.
Moderated by Chiara Vecchiarelli, curator of the program

Ariane Michel lives and works between Paris and the Finistère. She makes films, installations and performances that challenge our ways of perceiving. Beasts, plants, minerals, elements. She investigates non-human territories using the tools of cinema and paying close attention to sound. By manipulating our way of being in the world, she seeks to overturn the scale and hierarchy of beings and involve the spectator in new mental geographies that include the rest of the living world. In so doing, she seeks to break down the anthropocentric relationship to the world that our European civilisations have built up. She has presented her work in museums, art centres and cinemas, but also in streets, forests, underground corridors, places of worship and on ocean shores.

Sabrina Speich is Professor of Geosciences and a member of the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD) at the École Normale Supérieure. She studied physics at the University of Trieste (Italy), at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Geneva (Switzerland) and at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6. As part of her research at the CNRS, she works on discovering and understanding ocean dynamics and their role in climate change. She is a world-renowned expert in ocean modelling and the organisation of large-scale in situ observations. Recently, she has focused her research on the interaction scale of ocean dynamics and its impact on land-scale ocean circulation, air-sea exchanges and ecosystems.

Practical information

6.30pm-7:30pm followed by a drink with the guest speakers.
Free access upon registration
École des Arts Décoratifs, 31 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris

Based on a curatorial proposal by Fondation Thalie, this fourth season hosted at the École des Arts Décoratifs is organised by Chiara Vecchiarelli, coordinator of the programme Creators facing the climate emergency, in co-construction with Patrick Laffont-DeLojo, teacher in stage design at the École des Arts Décoratifs.

In partnership with the École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris